Thursday, November 6, 2008

UK Drivers Unaware They Could Be Invalidating Their Car Insurance

There are many things that can affect an insurance policy and in not disclosing to the insurer all of the relevant details policyholders could be breaking the terms of a policy meaning that a driver isn't covered if they try to make a claim.

A survey by YouGov found that one in ten motorists could have invalid car insurance. Six percent of people admitted to intentionally lying about basic details such as their age and address, while 3% admitted to withholding information from their car insurance company by not telling them about past driving convictions.

Swinton is advising UK drivers to be fully aware of what the policy does and does not cover and more importantly know what could invalidate it.

Steve Chelton, Insurer Development Manager, for Swinton said "It is very important that UK drivers are aware of the terms and conditions of their policy so they are not unconsciously invalidating it. The last thing a motorist wants to do is pay annual premiums only to find their policy is void when the time comes to make a claim."

Swinton has put together a list of common mistakes and offences that could potentially invalidate a car insurance policy.

- Not being truthful on your application form can invalidate your policy. An insurance company will give a quote based on the information submitted. Failure to mention past driving convictions or accidents could mean a claim isn't paid out.
- Likewise not informing your insurance company of a change of job or increased annual mileage promptly and when the policy is up for renewal may also affect a claim.
- Poor vision may invalidate the driver's policy. The legal requirement to read a number plate is 20.5 meters in good conditions. Motorist should have their eyes checked if in doubt to avoid costly claims.
- Modifying your car, as encouraged by programmes like Pimp My Ride UK, can also invalidate an insurance policy if the insurance company is not informed.
Omitting information from your application such as where you car is parked at night could also invalidate a car insurance policy.

Car Insurance Source
Drivers should be aware of the terms and conditions of their policy so as not to unconsciously invalidate it. It would really be a tragic experience to pay annual premiums only to find out that the policy cannot be applied when the time comes that they need to claim it.